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Safety is the anchor of our existence as a successful construction company that operates daily in some of the most challenging industrial environments. It begins with a Management Team that is 100% committed to the safety of our personnel and all those around us.

Our in-house team of safety professionals implements, evaluates and upgrades our policies, holding regularly scheduled training sessions to assure that our workforce maintains compliance with current OSHA, MSHA and all other required task or client-specific certifications.

At the production level, we have an active behavior-based safety (BBS) program – a volunteer, craft-only program whose participants are trained to provide frequent “no name, no blame” observations of their coworker’s safety performance. All observations are collected monthly to generate a trend report that highlights opportunities for improvement throughout the company. Our P.O.W.E.R. (Providing Observations While Eliminating Risk) team has implemented a program to review jobsite inspection procedures, standardize personal protective equipment, and design job hazard analysis forms. Since implementing the BBS program in 2004, safety performance indicators improved dramatically and continue to trend downward as indicated by our Experience Modification Rate (EMR) of .90.

Construction is an inherently dangerous business. The Bureau of Labor Statistics Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) for our industry in 2023 was 2.95. Our safety record is better than industry average with an TRIR of .87, a result of our No. 1 Core Value in our Mission statement, “We will always put the safety of our employees and those working around us first”.

MJW Company
MJW Fire Protection
MJW Engineering