At MJW Consolidated, we maximize control over all aspects of a project to ensure the work is performed according to the highest standards of excellence for safety, quality and schedule fulfillment. This comprehensive Decision-Making Process, along with our time-tested process for estimating, engineering and performance on each job, is the basis of our international reputation for excellence.
Safety is the anchor of our existence as a successful construction company that operates daily in some of the most challenging industrial environments. It begins with a Management Team that is 100% committed to the safety of our personnel and all those around us.
Our in-house team of safety professionals implements, evaluates and upgrades our policies, holding regularly scheduled training sessions to assure that our workforce maintains current OSHA, MSHA and all other required task or client-specific certifications.
At the production level, we have an active behavior-based safety (BBS) program – a volunteer, craft-only program whose participants are trained to provide frequent “no name, no blame” observations of their coworker’s safety performance. All observations are collected monthly to generate a trend report that highlights opportunities for improvement throughout the company. Our P.O.W.E.R. (Providing Observations While Eliminating Risk) team has implemented a program to review jobsite inspection procedures, standardize personal protective equipment, and design job hazard analysis forms. Since implementing the BBS program in 2004, safety performance indicators improved dramatically and continue to trend downward as indicated by our Experience Modification Rate (EMR) of .90.
Construction is an inherently dangerous business. The Bureau of Labor Statistics Recordable Incident Rate (RIR) for our industry in 2019 was 5.6. Our safety record is better than industry average with an RIR of 1.29. We recently celebrated a 15 year milestone of an EMR below 1.0 and RIR below 3.0, a result of our No. 1 Core Value in our Mission statement, “We will always put the safety of our employees and those working around us first”.
We do everything possible to allow your plant operations to proceed without delay or down time.
A major reason for our exceptionally high percentage of repeat business is our recognition that success in the eyes of our clients is not only a successful end result, but also a process that minimizes disruption to plant operations. We schedule our work around your production timeframe, allowing your operations to run smoothly throughout the construction process.
Our comprehensive quality-control plan starts the moment we're called in on a job. We analyze every facet of your project, then develop a plan and schedule to deliver exactly what we promise, when we have promised it.
Our quality control system is based on a process whereby, at any point in the project, any item of significance is handled by at least two people. This process starts with the estimate, where the design manager and construction manager review the RFP separately and agree to a common path forward. The QC process than translates through the design phase, where at least two sets of eyes are checking all major items, the project scheduling with both the construction manager and superintendent double checking each other’s craft performance expectations and into the installation phase, where nothing of significance is installed and signed off by a single individual.
In this business, more than any other, time is money. Through the use of our automated project management system, we maintain production schedules for all work activities and communicate this information to all involved.
A major contributor to our ability to maintain schedule is the fact that we self-perform most if not all of the tasks required by a project. In addition, we have developed a rigorous scheduling process that utilizes state-of-the-art software and draws on our decades of experience. Our construction manager and project superintendent work together closely to coordinate on-site scheduling. Any potential conflicts are ironed out well in advance of mobilization. Weekly in-house project progress meetings are attended by all key members of the project team, who produce a one-week, one-month and three-month look-ahead plan. The main objectives of this meeting are to get everyone on the same page and firm up the expectations for the forthcoming work period.
Price is always critical, but value is the ultimate measure of a successful project.
Like our clients, we recognize that value is a calculation that places as much or more weight on performance (safety, quality, scheduling and minimized disruption) as it does on price. When we’re working inside a manufacturing facility that operates 24 hours a day, 365 days per year, we strive to deliver customer value that takes into account every aspect of a successful job performance. At the end of the day, we want our clients to receive a value for their investment, which enables their company to thrive and grow.